Tuesday 1 July 2008

Matthew McConaughey's Baby-Mama OK With Drunken Flirting

Matthew McConaughey's pregnant Brazilian girlfriend has put her man's recent drunken flirt-off down to the fact that he is a “famous guy".

According to the actor's brother, new photos of a plastered McConaughey getting up close and personal with locals in a Nicaraguan bar have only served to make Camila Alves realise how difficult it is to be a star.

The snapshots and stories of McConaughey dirty dancing with locals at The Iguana bar in San Juan Del Sur would end many celebrity romances, but Rooster McConaughey insists the model is unfazed by the 'scandal'.

He tells In Touch, "Camila loves him for him. He's a free spirit and she gets it.

"She knows what it's like being around a famous guy."